When you begin gardening, flowers cast the first spell. Then, you start to notice the year-round nuances found in leaves' texture.
Leaves are thorny, ruffled, curly, ribbed, grass-like, pucked, downy, jagged, ferny, shiny or spiny...and more!
Ferny and lacy textured plants add softness and romance to you garden. Maiden hair fern, Queen Anne’s lace, yarrow and baby’s breath are plants with a lacy texture. To create contrast to the lacy texture use large, bold leaved plants, or spiky textures. For example, a shady area in your garden could contain a mix of contrasting textures provided by maiden hair ferns, camellias, variegated spider plants, and coleuses.
Go in your garden today and overlook the splashy,fleeting colors provided by flowers. Instead, begin to examine textures.A successful garden design is more than just blossoms.Train yourself to see beyond seductive blooms and look for the lasting interest of texture.